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Condução Pro operates on a free trial subscription model. Once you subscribe, you got 1 month free trail to explore the full features of the app. Once the monthly fee of 5 Euros is charged, users cannot claim a refund for that month, regardless of the duration of app usage during the billing cycle.
Users can cancel their subscription at any time by accessing their account settings within the app or contacting our support team on email . Upon cancellation, you will continue to have access to Condução Pro until the end of your current billing period. No further charges will be applied after cancellation.
If you experience significant technical issues that prevent you from using the app for an extended period, you may be eligible for a partial refund or credit towards future use. To request this, contact our support team with detailed information about the issue.
Any disputes regarding charges or refunds must be reported within 30 days of the billing date. Condução Pro will review each claim individually and issue refunds where applicable, at its sole discretion.
Condução Pro values feedback from its users and is committed to resolving any issues you may experience with the app. If you wish to submit a complaint, you may do so through the following methods:
We are committed to responding to all complaints within 30 days and will work towards finding a suitable resolution.
If you are unsatisfied with the resolution provided through our complaints process, you may seek further assistance through an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) body. Kondosavpro is affiliated with the following ADR bodies, which provide mediation and arbitration services to resolve disputes between consumers and service providers:
These entities offer independent, impartial dispute resolution services that can help both parties reach a fair settlement without the need for legal proceedings.
Please note that ADR is voluntary, and both parties must agree to participate in the process. Legal proceedings may still be pursued if ADR is unsuccessful.